tiny pink heart minimize icon fullscreen icon exit button
arrow pointing left arrow pointing right refresh button
internet globe button email button audio button RSS button add-on puzzle piece icon three horizontal lines



Link to me

pink character lifting her shirt with her mouth, image cut off on upper half on boob, text reading tentaclit pink tentacles on blue background, text reading tentaclit closeup of face and black hair, text reading tentaclit closeup of face, text reading tentaclit pink hearts on pink background, text reading tentaclit closeup of eye and side of face, pink base, text reading tentaclit

pink character lifting shirt up with mouth (cut off on upper half of boob), text reading tentaclit closeup of eye, side of face, pink base, text reading tentaclit pinkskinned character's profile, text reading tentaclit orange skinned character sticking his tongue out, text reading tentaclit

Please don't hotlink!
Save your chosen button to your site and replace the "URL" in the code instead.

If you want to trade buttons, hit me up!

Fun sites

itch.io - itch.io's NSFW games section.
Pious - webcomic. Contains explicit sex, monsterfucking


Lips cursor
Pointer cursor
Site base


Make sure to check the use guidelines for the individual fonts; not all are allowed for commercial sue.

I have yet to actually use all these fonts, but I decided to share the links to them so I don't have to do it later.

Cherish font by Asterism. Asterism banner
[download here]

Titillium Web font by Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino .
[download here]

LovelyValentine font by Thirtypath.
[download here]

Unicorn font by Nick Curtis.
[download here]

MellowMelody font by Asterism.
[download here]

Bubble Candy font by Edric Studio.
[download here]

GLAMOURGIRL font by Pizzadude.
[download here]

LilyScriptOne font by Julia Petretta.
[download here]

Mishaland font by Thirtypath.
[download here]

Rommantis font by Thirtypath.
[download here]

AirstreamNF font by Nick Curtis.
[download here]

Mckloud font by Apostrophic Labs.
Comes in different variations.
[download here]

Magneto font by Leslie Cabarga.
[download here]

Pixel Operator font by Jayvee Enaguas.
[download here]


Home page: A cruel Barbie's Thesis - Matt Nguyen-Ngo

Bye page: Closing Time - Semisonic

Horimiya page: Irokousui (instrumental) - Yoh Kamiyama

Hades page: The rise - Scott Buckley

Mars Red pages: I Miss You - Futamura Teiichi

MHA pages: Sunflower X Happier X Here With Me X Bad Liar - XPRS Studios

SB69 pages: I Pathologize - The Ark

OC pages:
Candyland pages: Candy - The Wildcardz, dazeychain
TTRPG page: Raven Song - Ean Grimm
Let's Get Witchy page: Fantasi - Freestyle

Yatamomo page: Toxic (Bardcore Medieval Style) - Caleb Faith

Other pages: strawberry - Prod. YMLofi

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tiny pink heart
minimize sign fullscreen sign exit sign
pink candy heart that reads kiss me
pink candy heart that reads fuck
pink candy heart that reads love me